
The remit for the Forum is to:

  • Advance thinking on governance and issues of governance support and development through a “think tank” approach
  • Share and discuss emerging issues and examples of good practice
  • Act as a conduit of information and intelligence on governance across the wider sector
  • Highlight examples of collaborative practice and joined up working
  • Promote active leadership on governance issues
  • Develop a shared bank of governance related information and links to wider resources
  • Influence and help shape policy on governance issues

Type of organisation Unincorporated
Address ACOSVO
Purpose and Activities 1 . To Influence positive change in the governance practice in the third sector by:

  • making available relevant information and to act as a conduit of information and intelligence on governance
  • promoting targeted and tailored governance training, consultation and development.

2. To be a driver in promoting and supporitng good governance across Scotland’s third sector by:

  • sharing and discussing emerging development and issues
  • influencing policy on governance issues
Powers 3. To do anything to further the purposes
Membership 4. Two classes of membership, i.e. (i) representatives of organisations in Scotland and (ii) individuals.

5. The members to demonstrate their commitment to exploring and developing governance in third sector organisations by (a) attendance at meetings, (b) assisting in the work and (c) acting as conduits of information and intelligence on governance with their members etc.

6. The maximum number of members = 15. The minimum = 4. Quorum = 4

7.  Member’s length of service to be reviewed every two years.

Governance 8. The ultimate authority for Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum (the ‘Forum’) is its Committee. The Committee is comprised of the Forum’s membership.
Recruitment to membership 9.

(i) Criteria: two parts,

(a) Evident specialist knowledge or expertise on governance in Third Sector organisations

(b) Manifest commitment to the work of the Forum and to working collaboratively.

(ii) Process to include: informal proposal to forum Committee for a new member or returning organisation; representative to attend a Committee meeting informally; Committee to decide to approve formal engagement, or not.

Meetings 10. Committee to meet every 6-8 weeks.

11. If representatives cannot attend they are entitled to send substitutes with relevant expertise.

Administration 12. The Forum to be ‘hosted’ by ACOSVO

13. ACOSVO to provide administration

14. ACOSVO representative has the right to chair the Forum Meetings

15. The Forum has the right to set up sub-groups



16. Commitment to self-assessment/evaluation, i.e.,

(i) Forum to annually review its membership and practices

(ii) Forum to arrange an evaluation(s) of its functioning and activities at appropriate time intervals.

Agreed: 19th March 2019