This guide is for first time Trustees of small to medium charities and associations, both with and without paid staff. The guide uses story-telling to look at the joys and difficulties of governance. It takes as its starting point a group of individuals and follows them through the various stages of their organisations growth, development to the time when they stop being Trustees. Throughout there are handouts for induction pacts, practical exercises and examples of procedures.
The guide was published in 2005 before OSCR was set up and the introduction of the legal form SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations). It lists resources relevant to that time.
Steff Bell thinks:
‘Governance Stories’ is one for the geeks and those that just need something practical. For those that are perhaps new to governance and perhaps the sector, ‘Governance Stories’ gives a thorough timeline and context to the culture and changes the sector has faced. Particularly great for smaller organisations and perhaps the more ‘traditional’ charitable model (mix of board members, a wider membership that ebbs and flows etc) this resource uses the stories of characters (that we can ALL identify with!) to evaluate and discuss solutions and approaches. A thorough and practical resource to dip into when you need to.