Mike Hudson is a very experience and knowledgeable consultant who for many years has worked with third sector organisations both in GB and internationally. The value of his book is demonstrated by this being the fourth edition. Mike Hudson is also the author of studies of third sector governance providing benchmarking material not otherwise available.
This book is a comprehensive ‘text book’ for chief officers or Managers of medium to large third sector organisations with employees. The breadth of material, the mix of guidelines, case studies and text makes this book a must for new chief officers or those who would appreciate an update or re-fresher on their role and its responsibilities.
Shirley Otto thinks:
A thread throughout the book is an assumption of a managerial ethos; it would therefore be best suited to organisations for whom this approach suits their values and ways of working. It is stated, for example, that the Chair of Board leads the Board and appraises the chief officer whereas this is not how all organisations choose to operate.