Excellence in Trusteeship
Sharing Scotland’s collective experience of working as and with trustees, our goals were to highlight the great work that trustees are currently doing, and present opportunities for people from all walks of life to get involved and make a difference.
Discussion Sessions throughout the day included:
- “Developing Trustees”, Alan Forsythe, SHARE
- “Board Self-Assesment”, Neil McLean, Social Enterprise Academy
- “Governance-Legal Issues”, Alastair Keatinge, Lindsays
- “What Can Interims Do for You?”, Cathy Maclean, Interim Scots
- “Succession Planning”, Sandra Macaskill, Interim Scots
- “The Role of the Board in Fundraising”, Catriona Reynolds, Arts and Business Scotland
- “Community Engagement”, Keith Wimbles, VAF
- “What Matters to Trustees”, Paul White, SCVO
- “How to Encourage More People to Join Boards”, Miles Weaver, Napier University
- “Diversity on Boards”, Graham Leydon, Young Trustees in Scotland
- “Trusteeship and Reducing Inequality”, Martin Docherty, VolunteerScotland
- “The Chair-Chief Officer Relationship”, Pat Armstrong, ACOSVO
- “Business Engagement”, Stephen Westwood, IoD